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A Day in the Life – Starting Tech with uTrack

My journey into the world of tech has been anything but conventional. It began back in primary school when it was my turn to have a go on the one computer we had. Those precious few minutes I had on the Encyclopaedia Britannica CD-ROM had me hooked. For the past 20 years, however, while the fascination never left me, I had other priorities. Mainly, raising and homeschooling my children.

As my youngest child started approaching secondary school, I began to think about my future and what I would like to do. I had already taken up learning JavaScript, but I knew I would need more hands-on experience to become job ready. I had come across School of Code a couple of years before but wasn’t in a position to apply. I knew what they offered would be perfect for someone like me so I applied as soon as I could and after an anxious wait, soon found out that I had got a spot as part of cohort 14.

My determination to make the most of this opportunity led me to step far outside my comfort zone. The bootcamp experience was truly transformative. I not only learnt technical skills but also how to work on software within a team in a way that closely replicated the real world work environment.

Sixteen weeks flew by and before I knew it, I had graduated, and it was time for the next big step:  applying for jobs. The prospect of interviewing was daunting to say the least. I spent countless hours researching what to expect, and it only heightened my nervousness. Thankfully, School of Code’s employability team excel in supporting bootcampers through the whole job hunt process. With their invaluable assistance, I began applying for positions, and it wasn’t long before I received an invitation for a group interview at uTrack’s central Birmingham office.

I went into the interview determined to enjoy it, but also a little apprehensive about what I could expect. I needn’t have worried as the entire process was well thought out and designed specifically for those going into their first tech role. It began with a brief tour and an informal presentation by Eamonn Hughes, the CEO. It became clear that the interview was more about the company getting to know us and for us to gain a better understanding of uTrack. We were encouraged to ask questions, and this helped me gain a deeper understanding of the company and its products. The conversation with Eamonn gave me a strong sense of the company’s emphasis on a positive team culture and this was only further reinforced later.

Following this, we broke into smaller groups, and I had the opportunity to chat with Nithya Rajagopalan, one of the senior developers. Again, this was more of a conversation and didn’t feel like an interview at all. The next step was a technical interview with Mike Robins, the technical manager. It was at this point that my nerves made a quick comeback. The task was to complete as much of a coding challenge as possible in half an hour and I was reassured that finishing the task was not necessary. Despite my nerves, I found myself enjoying the challenge, especially with Mike’s guidance and encouragement.

I left the interview with a deep sense of admiration for the team and the company and two months into my role, my initial impressions still hold true. Working at uTrack has been an absolute delight.

The company places a strong emphasis on valuing its employees. The hybrid work model has been ideal for me. It means that I get to enjoy the office environment regularly, including lunchtime pool games and monthly socials. Moreover, the flexibility that uTrack offers has been a lifeline. It means that when something unexpected comes up, I have the freedom to manage my work schedule accordingly. This level of understanding and support from uTrack truly reflects the company’s commitment to its employees’ wellbeing and work life balance.

The mentorship, focus on continuous learning and growth, and the spirit of collaboration have further enriched my experience here. I feel not only valued but also encouraged to thrive both personally and professionally. I’m excited to contribute my skills and grow alongside my colleagues. The combination of professional growth, a supportive work environment, and a flexible work model makes every day here a rewarding experience.



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