We are proud to announce that we have recently released a branded version of CoachTracker for Northwestern Stage Lines and their customers. This solution will also be running the Origin application for the back-office operations team.
Northwestern Stage Lines can now provide a new level of confidence to their passengers who use their intercity coach services serving Washington state.
Passengers will be able to:
- See the live location of their coach on a map
- Check real-time ETAs
- Search by service number
- See other important information
The operations team will be able to:
- See and react to issues in real-time
- Locate pain points on certain routes and respond, e.g. by amending timetables to account for popular stops that require more time for passenger onboarding/disembarking
- Provide most accurate and up-to-date information to passengers instantly
- Use automated data analysis to create the most efficient service possible for passengers
If you would like to know more about how to partner with us, please check out our Origin solution.

Making operational excellence the standard across the transport industry.

Written by Yvonne Skalban – Customer Success Manager